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Double Fir Oil Blend 双杉感冒季芳疗油 30ml

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$39.99 CAD
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Organic Ingredients
Simmondsia chinesis (Jojoba) seed oil, Nigella sativa (Nigella) seed oil, Chamaemelun nobile (Roman Chamomile) flower oil, Santalum paniculatum (Hawaiian Sandalwood) wood oil, Abies alba (Silver Fir) needle & twig oil, Abies balsamea (Organic Balsam Fir) bark oil, Cinnamomum camphora cineoliferum (Ravintsara) leaf & branch oil, Lavandula latifolia (Spike Lavender) flower oil, Eucalyptus radiata (Eucalyptus) leaf oil,Citrus limonum (Lemom) peel oil
Directions (Adults)
Apply 2-3 mL to the collarbone area and the soles. Apply 1 to 2 times per day to bring on comfort during cold and flu season.
Close lid tightly and store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children. If accidental ingestion occurs, seek urgent medical care. Do not use if you are pregnant / breastfeeding or have epilepsy or asthma.

这是一款由有机荷荷巴油,黑枯茗籽油,以及罗 洋甘菊,檀香,欧洲冷杉,香脂冷杉,澳洲尤加利,罗文莎叶等有机精油调配而成的感冒季芳 疗油。它从抗菌,镇静,舒缓,利呼吸等方面考 虑,用来帮助舒缓因感冒季和流感季常的发 烧,咳嗽,鼻塞,流鼻水等引起的不适。

请将2-3ml复方油涂抹于锁附近以及足底。1-2/天,帮助舒 缓感冒季节带来的各种不适。
请盖紧盖子在室温下存放。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 如果意外摄入,请寻求紧急医疗护理。 如果您怀孕/哺乳或患有癫痫或哮喘,请咨询专业医务人员后使用。